Andrew McGhie
Andrew has over 35 years of experience in the bakery industry. He joined the bakery industry in Australia in 1987, working for the largest baking company in Australia as part of the Goodman Fielder Group. He held many positions in the bakeries at the corporate headquarters in Sydney. When Andrew arrived in the US, he joined Northeast Foods in Baltimore, working for the Paterakis family in the bakeries supplying McDonald's restaurants. Andrew has extensive experience with McDonald's, having worked for 5 years representing the McDonald's bakers of North America at McDonald's Corporate Office. Subsequently, he joined McDonald's Corporate, worked in the Product Development and Procurement Groups, and worked for McDonald's Europe—always focused on bakery products. Andrew then worked for EyePro System for 10 years, heading up the North American operations before joining Shaffer Mixers, part of the Bundy Group, in 2017. In 2023, Andrew rejoined EyePro System, part of the KPM Analytics group. Andrew has a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia and lives with his family in Kansas City, Missouri.
Andrew McGhie
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