Über uns
Die KPM-Geschichte
KPM Analytics ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Produktqualität und Markenwert effektiv zu verwalten. Wir sind ein weltweit führender Anbieter von wissenschaftlichen Geräten und konzentrieren uns hauptsächlich auf die Analyse kritischer Qualitätsparameter in der Lebensmittel-, Agrar-, Industrie-, Umwelt- und klinischen Industrie. Wir bieten eine umfassende Palette von Produkten und Dienstleistungen, um die Probleme unserer Kunden auf einzigartige Weise zu lösen.


Wir erstellen Versicherungen.
Für unsere Partner. Für ihre Kunden.
Wir bieten Premium-Qualität
Sicherheitsausrüstung für Lebensmittel
Hersteller durch Experten
handwerklich und intim
Kenntnis ihrer
Lebensmittel- und Landwirtschaftsmarken
die ganze Welt wird stärker werden
von unseren engagierten, engagierten und
fürsorglicher Ansatz zur Lösung ihrer
Herausforderungen, KPM aktivieren
um das Globale zu werden
Um die besten Lösungen zu bieten für
Wir helfen unseren Partnern bei der Kontrolle ihrer
Produktqualität, Skalenkapazität,
und schützen ihre Marken.
Verbesserung der Qualität entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette
KPM Analytics bietet wichtige Einblicke und Analysen für Unternehmen der Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelindustrie, die höchste Qualitätsstandards anstreben — bei ihren Lieferanten, bei ihren Endprodukten und bei jedem Schritt. Unsere Lösungen werden in Laboren, an der Linie, über der Leitung und in der Reihe eingesetzt und liefern schnelle, präzise und wiederholbare Analysedaten, die sich direkt auf die Geschäftsergebnisse auswirken. Als Partner stellen wir unseren Kunden wichtige Kennzahlen und Informationen zur Verfügung, um Abfall und Kosten zu reduzieren, die Energieeffizienz zu steigern, die Qualität zu verbessern und ihre Marken zu schützen.
Unsere Marken
Jede unserer Marken bietet seit langem fortschrittliche und zuverlässige Analyselösungen an, um die Produktqualität sicherzustellen und die Prozesseffizienz zu optimieren, wobei der Kundenservice bei allem, was wir tun, im Mittelpunkt steht.
Union Park gründet KPM Analytics
Acquires Unity Scientific
- NIR technology for lab & at-line analysis
- Global presence with thousands of installations
Acquires Process Sensors Corporation
- NIR & IR Instrumentation for in-process moisture and temperature measurement for products such as food, wood and paper products, tobacco, and plastics.
Acquires CHOPIN Technologies
- Functional and rheological analyzers for assessing the properties of grain, flour and dough.
Acquires AMS Alliance
- Compliance and reference testing instrumentation for environmental, water and food safety applications.
Acquires Sightline Process Control
- 3D color vision technologies used in inspection systems and automation solutions for process control by some of the world’s largest manufacturers to inspect product quality of every detail - from size, shape, and color to the placement of ingredients.
Acquires Sensortech Systems
- Process Near-infrared (NIR) and RF technologies, providing critical composition insights for industrial applications such as moisture, coat weight, film thickness, and nicotine measurements.
Acquires EyePro System
- Integrated vision inspection technology for the baking and snack food industry, focusing on product inspection, process control, and product handling to ensure best practices for high quality finished goods.
Acquires Bruins Instruments
- Advanced NIR technology for the agricultural, meat, and food industries. High-resolution analyzers for companies of all sizes, utilizing some of the most advanced sample techniques available, enabling reliable, reproducible measurements in both transmission and reflection modes.
Acquires Smart Vision Works
- Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for sorting and foreign material detection, and removal, for food producers.
KPM Analytics ist ein Portfoliounternehmen von Union Park Hauptstadt, ein Private-Equity-Unternehmen, das sich auf Investitionen in Industrietechnologien spezialisiert hat.
The Management Team

Brian has held several executive roles in private and public analytical instrumentation, semiconductor and microelectronics businesses. In addition to his position at KPM, Brian is the Director of RDI Technologies, a provider of vision-based analytical solutions.

Carey has 30 years of experience in various Finance and Operations roles, with experience in start-ups to public companies. For the past 15+ years, Carey has held CFO positions in both venture and private equity-owned businesses.

Yuegang leverages his expertise in science and marketing to drive growth. Since 2020, he has led global sales and marketing, aligning product strategies with customer needs to enhance KPM’s market leadership.

Andreas joined KPM in 2017 and manages the direct sales team & distribution partners globally, using a consultative selling approach. He brings more than 25 years of experience in sales & marketing leadership roles within the food industry, electronics distribution, and telecommunications networks.

Eric is a senior executive with 25+ years in scientific instruments. He is known for balancing strategic planning with engineering. He excels in product and team development and has experience in M&A and international team management.

Rob leads global aftermarket services for KPM. With 25+ years in global support and service operations management, his background includes leadership positions at Ametek, Segway, and Big Belly Solar, focusing on global integration and service.

With 28 years in the agri-food industry, Lionel has held business development and operations management positions for companies like Sartorius, SPX, and Proxes. Since 2020, he has led KPM Analytics France, focusing on premium products and customer satisfaction.

Donnalynn is the General Manager of Sightline Process Control. A founding member since 2009, she has overseen its growth and built operational strength in finance, HR, production, and data analytics to support scaling efforts.

Andrea is the Managing Director of EyePro System, and was one of the founders in 1999. With a background in Applied Physics and Technology Transfer, he followed the growth and internationalization of EyePro throughout the years as Sales Manager.

Stefano's career is rooted in quality assurance and business development. With a background in electronics, diagnostics, and environmental markets, he's played a pivotal role in the design & manufacturing of premium products while supporting the growth of AMS products.