CHOPIN Technologies

CHOPIN Technologies
CHOPIN Technologies
CHOPIN Technologies

With over a century of excellence, CHOPIN products have helped pioneer new methods for analyzing cereals, flours and their derivatives. These methods and products are recognized by numerous international standards including ISO, EN, AFNOR, AACC, and ICCa, and serve as a reference in the industry for compositional and functional analysis. CHOPIN products help customers ensure operational specifications, regulatory compliance and quality standards are met. Many of the food products you consume on a daily basis have been analyzed by the manufacturer and tested for quality using a CHOPIN product.


Legal Information: The gender equality index for the year 2025 under the 2024 data is incalculable for CHOPIN Technologies.

CHOPIN Technologies


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AlveoPC Teig Rheologie Analisierer

AlveoPC Teig Rheologie Analisierer

Rheo F4 Teig Backverhalten Analisierer

Rheo F4 Teig Backverhalten Analisierer

SDmatic 2 Automatische Analyse der Stärkebeschädigung

SDmatic 2 Automatische Analyse der Stärkebeschädigung

Mixolab 2 Universal Teigcharakterisierer

Mixolab 2 Universal Teigcharakterisierer

Alveolab® Automatisierter Teig Rheologie Analisierer

Alveolab® Automatisierter Teig Rheologie Analisierer

CD1 Mill Standard Test Mühle

CD1 Mill Standard Test Mühle

Alveograph® -TestSerie

Alveograph® -TestSerie

LabMill Labor Mühle

LabMill Labor Mühle



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Verwandte Segmente

Getreide, Körner und Müllerei

KPM Analytics ist auf die Qualitätskontrolle von Getreide, Mehlen und deren Derivaten spezialisiert. Getreidepflanzen wie Weizen, Reis, Mais, Gerste, Roggen, Hafer und Hirse produzieren Getreide, das für einen Großteil der weltweiten Nahrungsmittelversorgung verantwortlich ist.

Mehl, Teig und Backwaren

Qualitätskontrolllösungen für Hersteller von Backwaren, einschließlich Überwachung der Feuchtigkeit, Analyse der Zusammensetzung von Inhaltsstoffen, funktionellen und rheologischen Eigenschaften sowie Inspektion von Fertigerzeugnissen.

Was unsere Kunden sagen

CHOPIN Technologies

Hendrik Begemann

Global Head of Business Unit


We’re proud to be one of the best-known companies in the world  providing customized solutions for standardizing, improving and  fortifying flour. We work closely with worldwide experts in grain, flour and dough analysis -like the team at  CHOPIN Technologies -to stay at the cutting edge of innovation.

CHOPIN Technologies

Michael Weber

Principal of the Prestigious Institution Swiss Milling School


We teach our students - who are trained for management positions in grain milling and process technology -that it is critical to obtain accurate measurements throughout the process. The Alveograph, Mixolab and SDmatic from CHOPIN Technologies quickly and effectively get you those vital measurements.


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