Analysis Options for Snack Bars
Quality Control Solutions for Manufacturers of Snack Bars.
Perform complete Vision Quality Control for your product! Thanks to our modular hardware and software architecture, you can configure a Vision Inspection Solution that meets your specific requirements.
Vision Inspection for Snack Bars
Perform complete Vision Quality Control for your product! Thanks to our modular hardware and software architecture, you can configure a Vision Inspection Solution that meets your specific requirements.
Product Types
- Snack bars
- Cereal bars
Measurement Capability
- 2D/Shape&Size - diameter, roundness, length, width (accuracy:0.2mm)
- 3D/Height - peak height, complete 3D profile, slope, surface texture (accuracy:0.2mm)
- Top & Bottom bake color (Lab and BCU coordinates, accuracy:0.2 ΔE)
- Multi Topping - color, coverage, distribution, voids (accuracy:0.5% of product surface)
Defects Detection Capability
- Misshapen products
- Out of specification products (e.g. too small, too dark, etc.)
- Spots (light, dark, foreign material on product surface)
- Topping defects (e.g. too little topping, wrong distribution, etc.)
Knowledge Center