
Analysis Solutions for the Converting Industry

Quality Control During Converting Processes

In the converting industry specifications are tight and even a small change in the process can turn good material into bad resulting in great cost to the manufacturer. Therefore, it is vital to actively measure moisture, coat weight, adhesive thickness, and web temperature for all paper, film, and web-converting processes. KPM offers rugged, affordable and reliable, non-contact and non-destructive in-line NIR analysis for a complete zoned web profile.

Moisture and Coat Weight Measurements

Moisture and Coat Weight Measurements

Cost, regulation, standardization and maintenance are moving the measurement preference to NIR instead of previous options such as nuclear. Implementation of NIR technology improves speeds of startup, increases production, reduces scrap and allows for data archiving by roll or run.

What's Measured

Product Moisture Total Thickness Wet End Coat Weight Dry End Coat Weight Dry End Moisture Temperature
Measured With: NIR-6000 Sensors
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
MCT 460 Series
Guardian Series
Hot Melts & Extrusion Coatings
Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs)
Water-Based Adhesives
Pattern Coatings
Plastic Film
Autoclave PVB Film
Raw PVB Film
EVA Film
Flooring Adhesives
Flexible Packaging (BOPP)
Cast Film
Coated Abrasives
Wax Coatings (Food Packaging)

What's Measured

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KPM Products

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Product Types

Measurement Capability

Defects Detection Capability

KPM Products

Vision Products

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Knowledge Center

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KPM Products

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Knowledge Center

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