

NexaFlo™ 该系列代表了KPM在分段流量分析方面的创新,其基础是通过我们的AMS Alliance产品品牌积累的三十年分析化学专业知识。它为分析各种样品提供了一种复杂而全面的解决方案,包括海水、饮用水、废水、环境样本、土壤、食物、饮料、烟草和许多其他基质。NexaFlo™ 系列可完全自动化样品制备过程,允许通过计算机远程控制启动和关闭。这种自动化通过简化以前劳动密集型和复杂的样品制备任务,彻底改变了实验室的工作流程。

NexaFlo™ 增强了特定的制备方法TM 系列包括:

Method Parameter(s)
Inline Distillation Ammonia, phenolics, cyanides, Volatile acidity, Free and Total SO2 (Wine)
Inline Digestion For TP determination via persulfate and inline autoclave
Inline Extraction For MBAS Surfactants determination

NexaFlo™ 该系列非常适合在分段流量分析中要求较低检出限的实验室,尤其适用于海洋和环境测试,以识别水中的氨等物质。

它可以自动执行无人值守操作的任务,高效地使用试剂,并最大限度地减少浪费。NexaFlo™ 该系列最多支持 14 个控制台,可灵活处理复杂的实验室需求。这增强了工作流程,保持了准确性和安全性,并实现了实验室操作的现代化,从而提高了研究领域的安全性、效率和精度。


高度模块化:集成或组合仪器,多达 14 个通道、多个流通池、微流或宏流量。

高性能:方法专用的分析控制台,可实现高通量,使用自动进样器可高达 120 个样本/小时。常规和复杂化学品的完全自动化。

高级软件:专为分段流量分析量身定制,用户友好的分析软件可管理每个通道的所有参数,并控制附件。它支持适用于不同矩阵的 EPA/ISO 方法。

提高可用性并简化维护:诊断工具、LED 仪器健康状态指示器、歧管泄漏探测器。集成的彩色触摸屏显示屏可监控和调整您的方法和化学成分(NexaFlo™ 450 可用)。专为轻松访问组件而设计,简化了维修。




提高可用性:方法专用的控制台方法和种类繁多的配件可满足特定的测试需求。集成的彩色触摸屏显示屏可监控和调整您的方法和化学成分(NexaFlo™ 450 可用)。

简化维护:LED 状态指示灯和增强的零件可访问性使维护变得简单。





实验室使用 NexaFlo™ 对水(饮用水、废弃物、地表水、海水和地下水)、土壤提取物、烟草和饮料中的重要参数进行分析,例如:

Drinking Water Waste Water Sea Water Soil/Fertilizer Tobacco Wine Dairy
Ammonia Enzymatic sugars Nitrate
Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN Nitrite Free total SO2 Nitrite
Phosphate, TP, TN Cyanide Volatile acidity Formaldehyde
MBAS Silicates Cr Starch Reducing sugars
Phenol Chloride K Sorbic acid

Laboratories use NexaFlo™ to perform analyses on important parameters in water (drinking, waste, surface, sea, and ground water), soil extracts, tobacco, and beverages.

Common Analyses Include:

Drinking Water: Ammonia, Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN, Phosphate, TP, TN, MBAS, Phenol, Cyanide
Wastewater: Ammonia, Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN, Phosphate, TP, TN, MBAS, Phenol, Cyanide
Sea Water: Ammonia, Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN, Phosphate, TP, TN, Silicates, Chloride
Soil: Ammonia, Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN, Phosphate, TP, TN, Cr, K
Fertilizer: Ammonia, Nitrates/Nitrite, TKN, Phosphate, TP, TN, Cr, K
Tobacco: Ammonia, Nitrite, Cyanide, Starch, Sorbic Acid
Wine: Enzymatic Sugars, Free Total SO2, Volatile Acidity, Reducing Sugars
Dairy: Nitrate, Nitrite, Formaldehyde



NexaFlo™ 该系列有 2 种不同的型号:

NexaFlo™ 400

外置 PC 显示器上的强大软件显示屏 (Windows 11)

NexaFlo™ 450

强大的软件可以在集成到NexaFlo™ 控制台的7英寸彩色触摸屏上显示,也可以在外部电脑显示器(Windows 11)上显示。

NexaFlo™ 400(左)和 NexaFlo™ 450(右)分段流量分析仪


NexaFlo™ 是首屈一指的分段流量分析仪(SFA),是连续流量分析(CFA)技术的专业子集。SFA凭借其通过气泡对样品和试剂进行分割的独特方法,属于更广泛的CFA保护范围,它将连续流动的效率与更高的精度相结合,减少了交叉污染。这种独特的方法使NexaFlo™ 能够有效地执行各种分析程序。

NexaFlo™ 专为适应微孔和大孔径的SFA方法而设计,允许执行复杂的分析,从简单的比色测试到复杂的在线蒸馏和消化。与自动进样器的集成对于样品摄入的管理至关重要,并辅之以针对所选分析方法量身定制的各种样品制备系统。NexaFlo™ 软件促进了这种全面的控制和操作,可选的自动模块可能会增强这种功能。

通过这种自动化,NexaFlo™ 特别擅长处理最复杂的样品制备和操作任务。透析、蒸馏、紫外线消化、注射、稀释、混合、孵化和液体/液体萃取等技术以无与伦比的效率执行。包括系统启动和关闭、标准溶液制备、样品浓度调整和自动清洗协议在内的所有过程都是全自动的,从而确保了每次分析的高通量和高精度。



每台 NexaFlo™ 都集成了高精度三速蠕动泵(中速,启动和冲洗时速度快,试剂消耗量低)、分析歧管、独特的试剂密封抽屉和紫外可见分光度计探测器(可选配火焰光度计和荧光计)。此外,NexaFlo™ 450具有集成的彩色触摸屏显示屏,而对于其他 NexaFlo™ 型号,该软件通过外部电脑进行显示。




The NexaFlo™ analytical software is dedicated to Segmented Flow Analysis, a subsegment of Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) technology. It prepares calibration standards, runs samples and quality controls, dilutes any out-of-range samples, prints reports and QC charts, exports data to LIMS, washes out the manifold and manages shutdown operations.

The software is user-friendly, efficient, and powerful, designed to simplify day-to-day operations. It runs the analysis of all parameters on each channel (up to 14 channels) and drives auto-samplers and accessories for automatic sample preparation. A simplified version of the NexaFlo™ software is run on NexaFlo™ 450 with a color touchscreen display for easier diagnostics, maintenance, device setup, significantly improving the user experience.

During analysis, the software monitors all performance details (heating bath temperature, voltages, detector outputs) and alerts the user of any problems.

The NexaFlo™ analytical software is dedicated to Segmented Flow Analysis, a subsegment of Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) technology. It prepares calibration standards, runs samples and quality controls, dilutes any out-of-range samples, prints reports and QC charts, exports data to LIMS, washes out the manifold and manages shutdown operations.

The software is user-friendly, efficient, and powerful, designed to simplify day-to-day operations. It runs the analysis of all parameters on each channel (up to 14 channels) and drives auto-samplers and accessories for automatic sample preparation. A simplified version of the NexaFlo™ software is run on NexaFlo™ 450 with a color touchscreen display for easier diagnostics, maintenance, device setup, significantly improving the user experience.

During analysis, the software monitors all performance details (heating bath temperature, voltages, detector outputs) and alerts the user of any problems.



NexaFlo™ 400 NexaFlo™ 450
Local display None 7 in. color touchscreen
Software NexaFlo™ Software (PC) NexaFlo™ Software (PC and Console)
LED System Health Yes
Leakage Detector Yes
Bubble Detector Yes
PC Operating System Windows 11
Reagent Up to 5 reagents
Main Pump 3-Speed
Integrated Heating Bath Optional
Detector Type UV/VIS colorimeter (default), flame photometer, fluorometer
Flow Cell 5 mm or 50 mm path length
Networking LIMS compatible, Ethernet
Temperature 0 - 35 °C (32 - 95 °F)
Humidity 0 - 95% non-condensing
Weight 15 kg (33 lbs)
Dimensions Optional
Power 110-220V, 50/60 Hz
