SAT 450随机存取分析仪

AMS Alliance SAT 450 是一款用于常规和特殊化学品测试的全自动、随机存取的临床分析仪,旨在支持您的实验室提高运营效率,减少重试和人工处理。
SAT 450 分析血清、血浆、尿液和其他液体样本,使临床医生能够确定和量化代谢物、电解质、蛋白质和药物。这些结果为临床医生提供了有关毒理学和健康状况的重要反馈,他们依靠这些数据来帮助医生为患者做出尽可能最佳的决策。
SAT 450 的自动化可以最大限度地提高吞吐量,提高操作员的安全,使其免受生物危害。并将交叉污染风险降至最低。
SAT 450 不仅专为常规生化分析而设计,而且其性能和规格使其成为特殊化学品的理想分析仪,可与大型平台(专门用于常规测试的平台)结合使用。
- 每小时最多可处理 450 次测试
- 冷藏室中最多 72 个试剂位
- 4 个可拆卸支架(每个架子最多 15 个位置)和 8 个外围设备位置,用于存放 5 毫升容器
- 80 长寿命,6 mm 光路,半一次性比色皿
- 对照品可以装载到试剂室和/或样品室中
- 可选 ISE 模块
- 紧凑且操作简单
- 优化样品和试剂混合
- 在每个采样周期之间进行双探头清洗可确保结果干净、准确
- 持续加载为用户节省了测试周期之间的时间
- 性价比高,在现场使用寿命长
- 带有内置条形码读取器的试剂冷藏室 — 试剂库存管理
- 实用的设计只需抬起整个轻质分析底盘即可轻松进行维护

SAT 450 是高度自动化的,一旦在软件中设置了参数,用户无需动手交互即可监控测试。要进行测试,将样本加载到机器中,然后用户对所需的测试进行编程。探针测量样品的一小部分并将其放入反应容器中。试剂是从机载冷藏供应中添加的。如果需要,允许孵育时间;然后 ISE 测试确定分析物的浓度。结果显示在用户的软件屏幕上。

- 直接电位计 +Na、+K、-CI 的新型 I.S.E. 模块
- 用于试剂和样品的正向条形码读取器(代码 128、代码栏、交错编码 2 of 5、代码 39)

The SAT 450 software simplifies the analysis process and provides the user concise guidance through the operating functions. All parameters and settings are completely user programmable, and up to 999 methods can be stored. To conduct a test run, the user will select all of the testing parameters, including pre-dilution and re-dilution ratios, sample re-run options and reflex tests. When all of the parameters are set, the testing will automatically run, allowing the user to work on other tasks and return when the testing is complete.
During the testing cycle, the user can view the real time status of samples and reagents, and monitor for error messages, temperature control, and use the STOP, START, or PAUSE functions as needed. Once testing is complete, the test reaction curves, test calibration curves and Levy-Jennings and Youden QC statistics are available in the software.
The SAT 450 software simplifies the analysis process and provides the user concise guidance through the operating functions. All parameters and settings are completely user programmable, and up to 999 methods can be stored. To conduct a test run, the user will select all of the testing parameters, including pre-dilution and re-dilution ratios, sample re-run options and reflex tests. When all of the parameters are set, the testing will automatically run, allowing the user to work on other tasks and return when the testing is complete.
During the testing cycle, the user can view the real time status of samples and reagents, and monitor for error messages, temperature control, and use the STOP, START, or PAUSE functions as needed. Once testing is complete, the test reaction curves, test calibration curves and Levy-Jennings and Youden QC statistics are available in the software.
Additional Software Features:
- Multi-language files (user programmable)
- Bi-directional communication compliant with ASTM and CLSI standard
- Automatic transmission of patient data and results through serial port or Ethernet
- Reagents data traceability and management
- Westgard rules management
- Sampling order with priority management
- Possibility to compare current calibration with any previous calibration
- Preventive maintenance management
- Remote diagnostic capability
- Automatic startup and automatic shutdown procedures
Additional Software Features:
- Multi-language files (user programmable)
- Bi-directional communication compliant with ASTM and CLSI standard
- Automatic transmission of patient data and results through serial port or Ethernet
- Reagents data traceability and management
- Westgard rules management
- Sampling order with priority management
- Possibility to compare current calibration with any previous calibration
- Preventive maintenance management
- Remote diagnostic capability
- Automatic startup and automatic shutdown procedures
