SmartChem®210 间断化学分析仪
Multi-Parametric Analysis of 300 Tests per Hour
AMS Alliance SmartChem® 210 是一款用于光度分析的全自动湿化学直读离散分析仪。使用可选的硝酸盐样品制备模块,这款台式仪器每小时可提供多达 300 次测试的吞吐量。它可以加载多达 60 个样品、对照组和校准器以及多达 32 种不同的试剂。
再加上其直观易学的软件平台,SmartChem® 210 可提供充分的灵活性和强大功能,可提高实验室的生产率。
了解科学界如何使用 SmartChem®:
谷歌学术: =
- 对饮用水、废水和土壤样本进行广泛的物理化学分析
- 多参数(合并)自动化平台
- 光度分析
- 自动集成试剂和样品条码读取器(可选)
- 自动启动仪器就绪
- 耗水量低
- IF THEN 驱动的测试序列
- 可编程和受监控的比色皿清洗模块
- 试剂库存系统和液位传感
- 硝酸盐附加模块可用
- 可用于多种方法的即用试剂
- 通过仪器整合和测试自动化提高效率和生产力。让您的员工摆脱繁琐和重复的任务。
- 微升反应-减少试剂使用量和废物产生-提高成本效率和环境足迹。
- 我们的即用型专用试剂可确保稳定性、可重复性和可追溯性。
- 借助我们的可选试剂和样品条形码读取器,提高了自动化水平,允许完全集成 LIMS。
- 自动超出范围的重新测试决策。
- 通过我们的 Cuvette 监控清洗周期,成本终结了环境效率。
- 优化耗时技术。
SmartChem® 210
- 每小时最多 300 次测试
- 台式分析仪
- 样品加载:
- ~机上最多 60 个样品
- 约 4 个可拆卸架,每个 15 个位置,用于连续装载样品
- 机载试剂:
- ~最多 32 种试剂
- 约 4 个可拆卸机架,每个 8 个位置
SmartChem® 210 使用直读光度法,利用真正的离散式直接读取测量系统和可重复使用的高纯度光学比色皿,从而消除了样品测量受损的情况。
SmartChem® 通过一系列简短的步骤简化实验室的工作:
- 在 SmartChem® 中加载样品和试剂
- 设置您的测试
- 在 SmartChem® 软件中加载您的工作程序
- 启动您的编程例程
- 获取结果
SmartChem® 210 配备了一组 12 个波长滤光片,范围从 340 到 880 nm 不等,允许 9 个同时安装在板上;这允许进行可见光谱光度测量。
最多可装载 32 个试剂瓶。
样品容量 — 可连续加载多达 60 个样品位置。
我们提供全系列的酶和比色试剂,专用于我们的 SmartChem系列离散分析仪。
它们非常易于使用,是液体,装在专为 SmartChem® 制造的特定瓶子中,并由条形码读取器(可选)自动检测。这种即用型解决方案可简化分析准备工作,并便于试剂的使用和存储。它还可以使用适合您的应用和仪器的试剂来确保您的分析安全。
The SmartChem® 210 analyzer’s operation is completely computer based with the dedicated, intuitive and user-friendly software. This software is bidirectional LIMS and NELAC/EPA or NELAC-EPA compliant.
SmartChem® software simplifies routine work and allows complete control and operation of the analyzer to the operator controlling the on-board reagent stock, samples, controls and calibrators, plus the status of the cuvettes in the reaction chamber.
The SmartChem® 210 analyzer’s operation is completely computer based with the dedicated, intuitive and user-friendly software. This software is bidirectional LIMS and NELAC/EPA or NELAC-EPA compliant.
SmartChem® software simplifies routine work and allows complete control and operation of the analyzer to the operator controlling the on-board reagent stock, samples, controls and calibrators, plus the status of the cuvettes in the reaction chamber.
System Monitor
SmartChem® 210 software simplifies routine work and allows complete control and operation of the analyzer to the operator controlling the on-board reagent stock, samples, controls and calibrators, plus the status of the cuvettes in the reaction chamber. Users, depending on the privileges defined by theSystem Administrator, can have access to two different displays: “OperatorView” and “Advanced View”.
System Monitor
SmartChem® 210 software simplifies routine work and allows complete control and operation of the analyzer to the operator controlling the on-board reagent stock, samples, controls and calibrators, plus the status of the cuvettes in the reaction chamber. Users, depending on the privileges defined by theSystem Administrator, can have access to two different displays: “OperatorView” and “Advanced View”.
Calibration Curve
Operators can access calibration status, use curves and historic calibration data, as well as monitor the status of specific tests, reaction curves and other on-going testing data.
Calibration Curve
Operators can access calibration status, use curves and historic calibration data, as well as monitor the status of specific tests, reaction curves and other on-going testing data.
Workplan Setup
The operator can easily load reagents and samples using the optional SmartChem® barcode reader and design the work routine for the analyzer to run, defining tests to run per sample, calibrations, and QC controls, etc.
Reflex and re-tests IF-THEN instances can be programmed, allowing specific actions to be automated in case of out-of-range results and/or any instances defined by the testing routine being defined by the laboratory.
Workplan Setup
The operator can easily load reagents and samples using the optional SmartChem® barcode reader and design the work routine for the analyzer to run, defining tests to run per sample, calibrations, and QC controls, etc.
Reflex and re-tests IF-THEN instances can be programmed, allowing specific actions to be automated in case of out-of-range results and/or any instances defined by the testing routine being defined by the laboratory.
Ongoing Analysis
The operator can, at any moment, see the status of each sample, reagent content per bottle and other information during the programmed run, plus enter new reagents and samples while the unit is running an already launched program.
Ongoing Analysis
The operator can, at any moment, see the status of each sample, reagent content per bottle and other information during the programmed run, plus enter new reagents and samples while the unit is running an already launched program.
Workplan Results
During and at the end of the routine, the operator can access the tests reports and results.
Workplan Results
During and at the end of the routine, the operator can access the tests reports and results.
Levey-Jennings Plots
Quality controls can be evaluated via Levey-Jennings plots and results from the run can also be validated.
Levey-Jennings Plots
Quality controls can be evaluated via Levey-Jennings plots and results from the run can also be validated.
Additional Software Features
- Two available user configurations: Advanced View, allowing the user to see (and depending on privilege settings) interact with all functions available on the SmartChem® Pro Software; and Operator View, limiting the available functions to the ones used for routine work.
- In-app support for troubleshooting with an advanced media library of help documentation, and generation of an error report (System Help File page)
- Automatic start-up: including calibrations and blanks
- Automatic shutdown
- Barcode for reagents: auto ID and loading with Ready to Use reagents
- Barcode for samples: auto ID – automated work routine loading with LIMS
- Addition of new sample or method to a sample during the run
- Retest key
- Accurate time to test completion information
- Calibration points recalculation
- Last accepted calibration overlay
- Pre-dilution
- Standard curves
- Computer controlled micro pipettor
- NELAC - EPA compliant
- Real-time information on sample and reagent status
- Dynamic monitoring of test run
Additional Software Features
- Two available user configurations: Advanced View, allowing the user to see (and depending on privilege settings) interact with all functions available on the SmartChem® Pro Software; and Operator View, limiting the available functions to the ones used for routine work.
- In-app support for troubleshooting with an advanced media library of help documentation, and generation of an error report (System Help File page)
- Automatic start-up: including calibrations and blanks
- Automatic shutdown
- Barcode for reagents: auto ID and loading with Ready to Use reagents
- Barcode for samples: auto ID – automated work routine loading with LIMS
- Addition of new sample or method to a sample during the run
- Retest key
- Accurate time to test completion information
- Calibration points recalculation
- Last accepted calibration overlay
- Pre-dilution
- Standard curves
- Computer controlled micro pipettor
- NELAC - EPA compliant
- Real-time information on sample and reagent status
- Dynamic monitoring of test run