Sightline - IL系列普通食品生产视觉检测系统

食品制造业的 100% 视觉检测
Sightline 在线视觉检测解决方案旨在快速安装到任何新的或现有的生产线上。这些一站式解决方案提供三维、全彩、360 度产品质量检测解决方案,能够以高达每秒 100 个对象的速度同时提取多个质量参数。为了实现高级过程控制,每个系统都配备了输送机、为您的特定应用选择的摄像机、多种拒绝选项以及我们专有的 measura® 软件套件。
- 无缝集成到现有生产线中
- 100% 检测,不合格,每秒最多 100 个物体
- 包括变速检查输送机
- 包括操作员界面,可对生产线进行全面控制
- 各种拒绝机制选择
- 支持多种摄像头和照明类型
- 可选的底部和侧面摄像头可实现完整的 2D 和 3D 测量功能。
- 内置库,包含 150 多个测量值和不断增长的测量结果
- 生成生产指标(正常运行时间、吞吐量等)
- 可用型号:IL-300 到 IL-2000
- 与手动方法相比,可以更多地了解您的产品
- 使用分析数据快速做出决策和调整生产线
- 确保只有符合您规格的产品才能送达买家
- 确保批次、班次和场地之间保持一致的产品质量
- 节省成本并减少浪费,从而提高公司的利润
- 通过持续满足消费者的期望来保护您的品牌
- 通过报告节省时间,所有结果都已保存和整理
- 实现竞争优势
当您从 KPM 购买视觉检测解决方案时,我们的团队会与您密切合作,根据您为生产的每种产品制定的规格调整系统。
- 测量物理产品属性,例如烘焙食品、肉类、家禽、奶酪、蛋类、水果、蔬菜和宠物食品的形状、大小和颜色,以检测质量问题
- 识别和拒绝生产流程中的不合格产品
- 异物检测
- 生成生产指标(项目数量、正常运行时间、吞吐量等)
- 包装食品(熟食肉、生肉和家禽、蔬菜等)
- 预制食品(折叠的鸡蛋、预制的饭菜等)
- 休闲食品(小吃棒、椒盐脆饼、薯片、炸薯条、甜点、巧克力、糖果等)
- 奶酪制品(块状、零食片、覆蜡等)
- 冷冻披萨和披萨底料
- 宠物食品和零食

Real-Time Analysis, Inspection, & Statistical Control
Automated Vision Inspection is a technology-driven solution that utilizes cameras and image processing algorithms to inspect and analyze food products for quality control purposes. The system detects defects, anomalies, and inconsistencies in food items, ensuring that only products meeting the required standards are allowed to proceed further in the production process.
Here's a general overview of how our vision inspection systems for food production typically work:
Image Acquisition
The system consists of one or multiple high-resolution cameras strategically positioned along the production line. These cameras capture images or videos of the food products as they move through the line. The cameras capture the images of the food items from different angles, illuminations, or wavelengths, depending on the specific inspection requirements. The lighting conditions are carefully controlled to enhance visibility and highlight potential defects.
Image Processing
The captured images are then processed using sophisticated algorithms and computer vision techniques. The processing software, measura® Inspection, analyzes the images to extract relevant features and identify potential defects or quality issues. The algorithms can be pre-trained using machine learning or artificial intelligence techniques to recognize specific patterns, shapes, colors, or textures.
Defect Detection
The captured images are analyzed for any deviations, defects, or abnormalities that may indicate a product is non-compliant. Common defects that can be detected include discolorations, misshapen products, foreign objects, damaged packaging, missing labels, or contaminants.
Decision Making & Rejection
Based on the analysis results, the vision inspection system makes decisions about the quality and suitability of the inspected food products. It classifies the items as either acceptable or unacceptable based on predetermined criteria. Upon detecting a defect, the system can trigger alerts or automatically remove the faulty product from the production line.
Data Logging and Reporting
The IL-Series Vision Inspection System provides real-time feedback on the quality of your products. By analyzing the collected data, it can generate detailed reports and statistics, highlighting the overall quality of the production batch. This information enables your quality control personnel to make informed decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of products, and to implement corrective measures to improve the production process if necessary.
Integration with Production Line
The vision inspection system can be seamlessly integrated into the food production line. It can interface with other equipment or control systems to enable real-time feedback and process optimization. For instance, the system can communicate with real-time process monitoring dashboards, robotic arms, and conveyors to divert defective products automatically, ensuring that only high-quality items proceed further in the production process.
By implementing a vision inspection system, food producers can enhance quality control, reduce waste, increase productivity, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. These systems play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and safety of food products before they reach consumers.


在线系统有多种宽度可供选择,可以安装在整条生产线的不同位置。有多种摄像头可供选择,几乎可以适应任何应用,并且系统可以配置为对您的产品进行 360 度检测。我们的专家将与您合作评估您的要求以及您的设施,以设计满足您所有需求的系统。
使用视觉技术,以有意义的方式描述您的产品,包括使用传统手动方法既困难又耗时的复杂细节。我们的标准测量库包含 150 多种基本和高级测量算法,并且还在不断增长。

- 面积、形状、颜色
- 长度和宽度
- 底部检查(可选)
- 直径(最小值、最大值、平均值、卡尺、自适应尺寸)
- 物品数量
- 体积和斜率
- 高度/厚度(最小值、最大值、平均值、中心、边缘)
- 使用图像堆叠交叉引用 2D/3D 测量结果
- 异物检测
- 包装检查(顶部和底部、标签、条形码、封条)
- 模板匹配(区域匹配百分比、模板外面积%、模板外部最大长度)
- 自适应长度和宽度(曲线跟踪)
- 光泽检测
- 粗糙度(边缘变化)
- 智能厚度
- 包子报道
- 斑点测量-查找和测量物体上的特定特征(例如浇头、裂缝、异物)
- 吞吐量和容量%
- 缺陷百分比和不合格百分比(按类型划分)
- 正常运行时间/停机时间百分比
- 转换时间

measura® 软件套件
定制设计的 measura® 软件可驱动所有 Sightline 视觉系统,通过 measura® Inspection 获得的数据可以导入到第三方软件中,从而在决策和过程控制方面为您提供最大的灵活性。
Powerful And Easy to Use measura® Software Suite
The easy-to-use measura® software suite includes a built-in library of over 100 different types of measurements and configurable camera and lighting components for different product needs. The software simplifies the inspection process from product set-up and real-time inspection to process monitoring and quality analytics.

measura® Toolbox
- Define your products
- Configure your measurements
- Set limits
- Interactive blob set-up
- Playback recordings

measura® Inspection
- Fast, up to 100 objects/ second
- Intuitive operator screens
- Display trends, lane data, and defect summaries
- Record data

measura® Dashboard
- Display up to 5 measurements
- Multiple display platforms
- Visual alarms
- Ethernet connectivity

measura® Analytics
- Customizable report template
- Configurable date range
- Scheduled pdf reports via email
- Exports to Excel or pdf