
Soluciones de control de calidad para la avena y sus múltiples usos

La avena es un cereal importante en la producción de alimentos, ya que proporciona una fuente saludable de vitaminas, minerales, fibra y otras propiedades nutricionales, además de ser una alternativa sin gluten para productos horneados y alimenticios. Independientemente de su función en la producción o el procesamiento de la avena, KPM ofrece una variedad de soluciones de análisis para garantizar la calidad en prácticamente cada paso del proceso.

Análisis de humedad y composición

Análisis de humedad y composición

Los copos de avena que se utilizan en la producción de alimentos o para alimentar al ganado reciben sus calificaciones del USDA y otras entidades en función de ciertos parámetros de calidad mensurables. La mayoría de estos parámetros se pueden medir rápida y fácilmente con la ayuda de la tecnología de espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano (NIR), con una preparación mínima de la muestra.

Parameter Why It's Analyzed When It's Measured
Moisture Excessive moisture can lead to sticky product, which may also be more susceptible to spoilage. Excessive moisture can lead to sticky product, which may also be more susceptible to spoilage.  Incoming ingredients
After: grinding/cutting/milling/flaking/rolling
Protein Oats have an inherently higher protein content than most cereal grains, making them a great source of protein for plant-based diets.Oats have an inherently higher protein content than most cereal grains, making them a great source of protein for plant-based diets. After: grinding/cutting/milling/flaking/rolling
Fiber Oats are also high in fiber compared to other grains, which makes them a great heart-healthy ingredient. Oats are also high in fiber compared to other grains, which makes them a great heart-healthy ingredient.  After: grinding/cutting/milling/flaking/rolling
Test Weight Test weight is a volumetric measurement that is a common quality indicator for oat grading processes.Test weight is a volumetric measurement that is a common quality indicator for oat grading processes. Incoming ingredient
After: grinding/cutting/milling/flaking/rolling
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Análisis funcional y reológico

Análisis funcional y reológico

La harina de avena es una opción popular sin gluten que se usa en una variedad de productos horneados como pan, magdalenas, barras de granola, galletas y otros.

Product Parameters Measured When It's Measured
Oat Flour Starch Damage
Water Absorption
Incoming Ingredients
Dough Quality of damaged starch
Product Parameters Measured When It's Measured
Cookies/Biscuits Water absorption of flours
Quantity and quality of proteins
Damaged starch and dough stickiness
Dough consistency, extensibility, and elasticity
Cracks and blisters
Crackers Water absorption of flours
Quantity and quality of proteins
Damaged starch and dough stickiness
Dough consistency, extensibility, and elasticity
Cracks and blistersWater absorption of flours
Granola Bars Water absorption of flours
Quantity and quality of proteins
Consistency and viscosity of the dough
Damage and gelatinization of the starch
Structure and texture

Product Types

Measurement Capability

Defects Detection Capability

KPM Products

Vision Products

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Knowledge Center

Additional Reading

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Análisis de nutrientes del suelo

Las plantas de avena crecen mejor en suelos bien drenados y son más tolerantes a climas de crecimiento más fríos y húmedos que otros cultivos de cereales. Sin embargo, la avena requiere mayores cantidades de nutrientes vegetales disponibles. Manejar los parámetros importantes de calidad del suelo es vital para una cosecha exitosa, pero no a costa de gastar innecesariamente demasiado en fertilizantes. Las tecnologías de análisis del suelo de KPM pueden medir rápida y fácilmente los parámetros importantes del suelo.

Analitos detectados

Parameter Why It's Analyzed
Nitrogen-Based Nutrients (Ammonia, Urea, TKN, Nitrate, Nitrite) Nitrogen is an important nutrient for all small grain crop types, is especially absorbed by oats in large quantities throughout the growing season. However, too much Nitrogen in the soil can be harmful to the groundwater. Urea and TKN content also have a role in animal feed quality.
Phosphorus-Based Nutrients (TP, o-Phosphate, Phosphate) Phosphorus is applied to the soil via fertilizer throughout the growing season but is especially important during the early season to help develop strong roots. 
Potassium Potassium may need to be added via fertilizer at different stages of the growing season.
Other Compounds in Crop Production Boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, and other minerals all have a role in oat crop production.