Improve Flour Selection with New Technologies - BAKERpedia Thought Leadership Video

In this segment ofBAKERpedia Thought Leadership Thursday, Lena Bosc-Bierne from KPM Analytics andDr. Lin Carson discussed the evolving landscape of flour selection in thebaking industry. They highlighted the limitations of traditional methods, whichoften fail to account for the specificities of modern baking processes. The discussionunderscored the importance of new technologies that offer a more objectiveapproach. These advancements provide better control over flour and doughquality and offer valuable insights that can assist bakers in refining theirtechniques to achieve consistent, high-quality results. The shift towardsobjective, technology-driven approaches is essential for enhancing quality andconsistency in the baking industry.

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ARTISAN BREAD – KPM Analytics’ presentation in Bakerpedia seminar (Bakerview)

ARTISAN BREAD – KPM Analytics’ presentation in Bakerpedia seminar (Bakerview)

Adapt to Hard Wheat Types with Alveolab's Adapted Hydration Method (BAKERpedia)

Adapt to Hard Wheat Types with Alveolab's Adapted Hydration Method (BAKERpedia)

Baked Goods & Snack Foods
Cereals & Grains