无线型iCinac 酸化分析仪

iCinac Wireless 是一个完全集成的系统,用于监测乳酸菌发酵动力学,可实现完整的模块化构建和设计。
iCinac Wireless 允许通过其 pH/Temp 和 pH/ORP/Temp 电极对乳酸菌进行不同的动力学发酵实验。iCinac 电极使用发射器与 iCinac 无线接收器进行无线通信。iCinac Wireless 允许构建完全模块化的产品,并可在需要时通过购买新的发射器和电极进行扩展。
对于希望在不使用iCinac有线提供的生物反应器控制部分的情况下进行L.A.B. 动力学监测的实验室来说,iCinac Wireless是替代方案。iCinac Wireless允许操作员减少实验区域内的电缆数量,减少其总体实验和设计区域占地面积。
看看科学界如何使用 iCinac:
谷歌学术: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=icinac+alliance&btnG =
国家生物技术信息中心: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=icinac
- 专为 L.A.B. 的酸化活性而设计的独特解决方案:同时监测 pH、温度和氧化还原电位 (ORP)。
- 使用 ISM® 协议数字电极(pH/Temp、pH/ORP/Temp)
- 可扩展 — 有线版本最多可扩展 32 个通道,无线版本最多可扩展 16 个通道
- 符合 ISO 26323|IDF 213,即确定乳制品培养物酸化活性的行业标准
- 每个电极或通道都受到独立监控,同时提供对每个实验的全面控制和洞察力
- 易于使用的软件——可实现对连接模块的实时自动配置和检测
- 确保批次间动力学一致性符合 ISO 标准
- 由于反应堆规模、高效设计和您可以选择发酵物,缩短了产品开发时间
- 允许您根据自己的需求(当前和未来)调整配置
- 有线或无线版本(或组合版本);选择通道数、电极数量,然后在系统中添加或移除电极
- 改善质量控制、研发、产品开发和流程优化
iCinac 系列用于许多行业,用于监控发酵物的酸化活性并控制 L.A.B. 发酵反应器的控制:
- 乳制品
- 发酵食品 (L.A.B.)
- 益生菌
- 发酵物和细菌培养生产
iCinac 还是研发、产品和工艺开发以及质量控制中的有用工具,可以:
- 为制造需求寻找最高效的启动器
- 检查启动器的批次一致性
- 确定所研究门类特有的酸形成特性
- 为发酵原料的精确开发、测试和过程控制提供所需的见解
- 通过表征特定门类的酸形成并了解特定测试参数的影响,定义和控制适当的接种物

iCinac 无线
- 室内使用范围可达 60 米,无需电缆
- 快速启动,准备好进行测量,预热时间不到一分钟
- 每个接收器可从 1 个通道扩展到 16 个通道
- 锂离子可充电电池
iCinac 运营
iCinac 用作 L.A.B. 活动和动力学监测系统时,其工作原理是测量每个反应器单元的 pH 值和温度,这以 pH 值与时间、温度与时间以及 ORP 与时间序列的图表表示。然后,用户可以:
- 将曲线(动力学)与定义的黄金标准或特定动力学进行比较,以查看测试批次的表现是否符合预期,这是符合 ISO26323 的质量控制步骤
- 分析新发酵菌株在特定条件下的动力学和行为
- 对批次、菌株、外部条件等进行相互比较研究

可以轻松地为 iCinac Wireless 设置实验:
- 打开 iCinac 无线
- 连接所有必需的发射器和电极
- 对所有电极进行校准(应在每次实验之前按照规定的协议进行 pH 校准)
- 将电极插入专用生物反应器并调整生物反应器条件
- 开始 iCinac Wireless 实验,开始通过内置 PC 获取实时数据
- 在实验结束时分析您的数据


Intuitive, User Friendly Features:
- pH/ORP temperature compensation management
- Monitor and track trial set points
- Control external modules (digital / analog output)
- Calculate all feature points
- Real time data logging
- Diverse graphical plotting
- pH calibration history
- Libraries management and creation (average curves, standard deviation, etc.)
Intuitive, User Friendly Features:
- pH/ORP temperature compensation management
- Monitor and track trial set points
- Control external modules (digital / analog output)
- Calculate all feature points
- Real time data logging
- Diverse graphical plotting
- pH calibration history
- Libraries management and creation (average curves, standard deviation, etc.)

Simulating Process Conditions for Phylum Study
By programming a thermal cycle, users can reproduce or simulate the changes in process conditions (e.g., variations in temperature or pH) and use the graphs or descriptors to compare the potential effects on the phylum studied.
Each channel is shown in an independent window.
Simulating Process Conditions for Phylum Study
By programming a thermal cycle, users can reproduce or simulate the changes in process conditions (e.g., variations in temperature or pH) and use the graphs or descriptors to compare the potential effects on the phylum studied.
Each channel is shown in an independent window.
Advanced Analysis of Fermentation Kinetics
The iCinac software can perform complex multivariate analyses of the trial curves in order to extract key characteristics of the curve associated with the kinetics of the fermentation. Feature points are useful in comparing the effects of variations in standard conditions on the overall acidification kinetics. Most common feature points for the determination of acidification activity are automatically programmed within the software, but a variety of feature points are user-customizable in order to automatically extract the most useful data from the specific fermentation curves being analyzed.
Advanced Analysis of Fermentation Kinetics
The iCinac software can perform complex multivariate analyses of the trial curves in order to extract key characteristics of the curve associated with the kinetics of the fermentation. Feature points are useful in comparing the effects of variations in standard conditions on the overall acidification kinetics. Most common feature points for the determination of acidification activity are automatically programmed within the software, but a variety of feature points are user-customizable in order to automatically extract the most useful data from the specific fermentation curves being analyzed.
Dynamic Data Visualization
Real-time graphical presentation of data and integrated pre-programmed data analysis capabilities display the key characteristics of the studied strain without additional user input. Users can create average curves to build a reference database to overlay and compare with new trials. And, personalized profiles can be created for ultimate characterization of the trial activity.
Dynamic Data Visualization
Real-time graphical presentation of data and integrated pre-programmed data analysis capabilities display the key characteristics of the studied strain without additional user input. Users can create average curves to build a reference database to overlay and compare with new trials. And, personalized profiles can be created for ultimate characterization of the trial activity.
Simplified Feature Data Extraction
Tabular display of feature acidification characteristics, for each curve, can be automatically extracted from the raw data for simplified data analysis.
Simplified Feature Data Extraction
Tabular display of feature acidification characteristics, for each curve, can be automatically extracted from the raw data for simplified data analysis.
Flexible Licensing
The iCinac software license allows you to install it on multiple computers. This gives you the possibility to retrieve data from your PC while the iCinac is occupied with measurements. In addition, the iCinac software enables you to send emails or SMS to inform users of specific events (reached pH, end of run, alarms, etc.)
Flexible Licensing
The iCinac software license allows you to install it on multiple computers. This gives you the possibility to retrieve data from your PC while the iCinac is occupied with measurements. In addition, the iCinac software enables you to send emails or SMS to inform users of specific events (reached pH, end of run, alarms, etc.)