

烘焙过程有三个主要阶段——混合/捏合、发酵/发酵和烘烤。面包店及其质量控制团队需要确保其整个过程产生高质量、一致的最终产品。在混合过程中分析面团和烘烤后进行最终检查是常见的检查点,但是中间步骤呢?发酵或发酵过程是确保最终产品的质量和一致性的关键功能步骤。肖邦科技 Rheo F4 就是为这一关键步骤而设计的。流变发酵仪可测量用于面团发育的所有类型的酵母面团、酵母作用产生的气体、面团的孔隙度以及发酵过程中面团的耐受性——所有这些都在一次测试中完成。Rheo F4 是唯一一款提供所有关键测量值的分析仪,可帮助了解面团在打样期间的行为。


  • 自动测试所有类型的酵母面团
  • 在一次测试中测量面团的发育情况、气体产量、孔隙度和耐受性
  • 具有自定义协议能力的多功能分析
  • 通过 PC 软件进行自动测试和监控
  • 轻巧紧凑的设备,可轻松放入您的实验室
  • 设计简单,维护成本低,消耗品(苏打石灰)


  • 确定最佳打样和烘烤时间,这有助于减少时间和能源成本
  • 全自动测试:面团准备好后,系统将自动进行全面分析,这使工作人员能够腾出时间在测试期间完成其他任务
  • 从单次测试中收集全面数据,并快速做出有关配方和流程的决策
  • 监控生产过程的一致性以确保高质量的最终产品




Rheo F4 可用于多种应用:

  • 分析食材选择和用于食谱的适当数量
  • 监控不同批次的配料性能
  • 测量水位对打样性能的影响
  • 分析含有糖、脂肪等的配方,包括高纤维配方和无麸质食谱
  • 评估减盐、减糖等的影响
  • 分析硬质小麦粗面粉
  • 分析冷冻面团的打样特性
  • 半胱氨酸、抗坏血酸、维生素等添加剂的作用分析
impact of water level on dough
impact of water level on dough





使用 Rheo F4 测试面团样品只需不到四小时——操作员设置时间约为 2 到 5 分钟,自动测试时间为 3 小时。

Rheo F4 分析仪每 45 秒测量一次装有面团的恒温密封罐中的压力。该设备测量总气体产量(酵母作用)和气体保留量(或面团的孔隙度)。面团顶部的传感器显示面团的发育和稳定性,因此可以确定最佳的烘烤时间。气体产生取决于酵母、受损淀粉、糖、酶等,气体保留主要取决于麸质网络的质量。

  1. 检查苏打石灰滤筒是否饱和
  2. 准备好面团并将其放在篮子的底部
  3. 将负载重量放在活塞上
  4. 将活塞和重物放在面团上
  5. 放置显影传感器并密封关闭组件
  6. 配置测试并按开始

Rheo F4 分析测试碗中面团样品的发育情况以及所用协议(温度、活塞和施加在上面的重量等)规定的条件下的发酵过程。可以自定义测试协议以分析所有类型的酵母面团,并且可以在长达 24 小时的时间内收集发酵特性的测量结果。要了解有关酵母性能测试的更多信息, 在 Bakerpedia 上阅读这篇文章



Rheo F4 防爆碗




The user can monitor the Rheo F4 analysis during testing using PC software. Every 10 minutes during the testing, the curve is actualized and displayed for the user. All calculations are provided at the completion of the testing. The data from several samples can be compared to determine product conformity and to precisely evaluate the effect of an ingredient on the dough.

Two main charts are produced for evaluation – one with a dough development curve and the other with a gas production and a gas retention curve. To get a complete image of dough proofing properties, these 3 curves need to be considered together.

The user can monitor the Rheo F4 analysis during testing using PC software. Every 10 minutes during the testing, the curve is actualized and displayed for the user. All calculations are provided at the completion of the testing. The data from several samples can be compared to determine product conformity and to precisely evaluate the effect of an ingredient on the dough.

Two main charts are produced for evaluation – one with a dough development curve and the other with a gas production and a gas retention curve. To get a complete image of dough proofing properties, these 3 curves need to be considered together.

Development Curve

The dough development curve is obtained by measurements taken at regular intervals by the dough development sensor. The measurement and combination of the values obtained with the development curve provide essential information for dough quality assessment. Time (T1) is very closely linked to yeast "speed" and activity. Height (Hm) corresponds to the maximum development reached by the dough and is linked to bread volume. (Hm-h)/Hm corresponds to the drop in development after 3 hours (as in the case of the CHOPIN protocol) and is a good indicator of dough tolerance during proofing.

Development Curve

The dough development curve is obtained by measurements taken at regular intervals by the dough development sensor. The measurement and combination of the values obtained with the development curve provide essential information for dough quality assessment. Time (T1) is very closely linked to yeast "speed" and activity. Height (Hm) corresponds to the maximum development reached by the dough and is linked to bread volume. (Hm-h)/Hm corresponds to the drop in development after 3 hours (as in the case of the CHOPIN protocol) and is a good indicator of dough tolerance during proofing.

Gas Curve

To plot the gas release curve, the pneumatic circuit runs pressure measurement cycles. These pressure measurements are converted into flow rates by the microprocessor. The gas production curve enables the user to determine the retention coefficient (R), which is the comparison in % between the volume retained within the dough and the total volume of gas produced during the test.

Gas Curve

To plot the gas release curve, the pneumatic circuit runs pressure measurement cycles. These pressure measurements are converted into flow rates by the microprocessor. The gas production curve enables the user to determine the retention coefficient (R), which is the comparison in % between the volume retained within the dough and the total volume of gas produced during the test.

Example: R is very close to 100 with the flours extracted from healthy grain almonds. It may drop to 50 for flours derived from the outer layers of the endosperm (end of grinding or reduction in the milling diagram) or for flours extracted from damaged or poorly stored grains.

Example: R is very close to 100 with the flours extracted from healthy grain almonds. It may drop to 50 for flours derived from the outer layers of the endosperm (end of grinding or reduction in the milling diagram) or for flours extracted from damaged or poorly stored grains.

Other Values Provided By The Graph
  • Maximum height of the curve (H’m)
  • Time required to reach H’m (T1)
  • Time when the dough begins to give off CO2 (Tx)
  • Total volume of gas given off in ml
  • Total volume of CO2 lost (A2)
  • Volume of CO2 in ml retained within the dough at the end of the test (A1)

Testing results are backed up automatically and can be printed in the form of a customizable analysis certificate.

Other Values Provided By The Graph
  • Maximum height of the curve (H’m)
  • Time required to reach H’m (T1)
  • Time when the dough begins to give off CO2 (Tx)
  • Total volume of gas given off in ml
  • Total volume of CO2 lost (A2)
  • Volume of CO2 in ml retained within the dough at the end of the test (A1)

Testing results are backed up automatically and can be printed in the form of a customizable analysis certificate.



  • 用于性能检查的面粉参考样品
  • 可选 EM10 多隔间烤箱 用于小麦、面粉和任何其他谷物的水分含量的参考测量


Rheo F4
Dimensions Width x Depth x Height: 415 x 265 x 545 mm (16.3 x 10.4 x 21.5 in.)
Weight 12 kg (26.5 lbs)
Power 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 150 Watts
NIR Measurement Constituents Up to 2 Components Simultaneously
Noise Level Less Than 70 dB
Fuse 5x20 T 1.6A 250 V
Consummable (Not Included) Soda Lime
Data Export USB is Available
Print Results Connect an External Printer to the RheoF4
Software Languages Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Compliance AACC 89-01.01
