Adapt to Hard Wheat Types with Alveolab's Adapted Hydration Method (BAKERpedia)

KPM's Food Applications & Product Manager, Lena Bosc-Bierne, joined Dr. Lin of BAKERpedia during the Thought Leadership Thursday segment to discuss how bakeries can use adapted hydration and the Alveograph to fully adapt to hard wheat types.

The Alveolab with its Adapted Hydration Kit tests flours based on actual absorption. A 5-minute Consistograph test determines water absorption capacity. Then, the Alveograph test proceeds normally. This process provides insight into flour functionality using water levels closer to production conditions, particularly for hard wheat flours.

To learn more about the Alveograph products from KPM, visit the Alveograph Test Series page.

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Biblioteca de vídeos

ARTISAN BREAD — Presentación de KPM Analytics en el seminario de Bakerpedia (Bakerview)

ARTISAN BREAD — Presentación de KPM Analytics en el seminario de Bakerpedia (Bakerview)

Analice las propiedades de la masa con el Alveolab®

Analice las propiedades de la masa con el Alveolab®

Harina, masa y productos horneados